What Does It Mean To Be An Original Human?

Created by Dwayne Barnes

Being an original human means embracing your individuality and uniqueness. It means not conforming to societal norms and expectations. Though the voices to do the opposite are powerful and loud, the path to originality necessitates following your own path and intuition. Here are some characteristics of an original human:


An original human is self-reliant and trust his own intuition. He does not rely on others for validation or approval, but rather follows his own path.


An original human does not conform to societal norms and expectations. He is not afraid to be different and stand out from the crowd.


An original human is independent, and does not rely on others for his happiness or success. He takes responsibility for his own life and makes all his decisions.


An original human is creative and thinks outside the box. He is not afraid to take a risk and try new things.


An original human is open minded and receptive to new ideas and perspectives. He is not afraid to challenge his own beliefs and opinions.


An original human is authentic and true to himself. He does not pretend to be someone he is not, and is not afraid to show his vulnerabilities.


In conclusion, being an original human means embracing your individuality and uniqueness. You are one of a kind made from the divine. Embrace this. It means not conforming to societal norms and expectations but rather following your own path and intuition. An original human is self-reliant, nonconformist, independent, creative, open-minded, and authentic. I implore you to embrace these characteristics and live a fulfilling and meaningful life that is true to yourself. Dare to be your original magical self. Everyone else is taken.